This is what powers LazyVim's fancy-looking tabs, which include filetype icons and close buttons.
- Options
- Full Spec
opts = {
options = {
-- stylua: ignore
close_command = function(n) Snacks.bufdelete(n) end,
-- stylua: ignore
right_mouse_command = function(n) Snacks.bufdelete(n) end,
diagnostics = "nvim_lsp",
always_show_bufferline = false,
diagnostics_indicator = function(_, _, diag)
local icons = LazyVim.config.icons.diagnostics
local ret = (diag.error and icons.Error .. diag.error .. " " or "")
.. (diag.warning and icons.Warn .. diag.warning or "")
return vim.trim(ret)
offsets = {
filetype = "neo-tree",
text = "Neo-tree",
highlight = "Directory",
text_align = "left",
filetype = "snacks_layout_box",
---@param opts bufferline.IconFetcherOpts
get_element_icon = function(opts)
return LazyVim.config.icons.ft[opts.filetype]
event = "VeryLazy",
keys = {
{ "<leader>bp", "<Cmd>BufferLineTogglePin<CR>", desc = "Toggle Pin" },
{ "<leader>bP", "<Cmd>BufferLineGroupClose ungrouped<CR>", desc = "Delete Non-Pinned Buffers" },
{ "<leader>br", "<Cmd>BufferLineCloseRight<CR>", desc = "Delete Buffers to the Right" },
{ "<leader>bl", "<Cmd>BufferLineCloseLeft<CR>", desc = "Delete Buffers to the Left" },
{ "<S-h>", "<cmd>BufferLineCyclePrev<cr>", desc = "Prev Buffer" },
{ "<S-l>", "<cmd>BufferLineCycleNext<cr>", desc = "Next Buffer" },
{ "[b", "<cmd>BufferLineCyclePrev<cr>", desc = "Prev Buffer" },
{ "]b", "<cmd>BufferLineCycleNext<cr>", desc = "Next Buffer" },
{ "[B", "<cmd>BufferLineMovePrev<cr>", desc = "Move buffer prev" },
{ "]B", "<cmd>BufferLineMoveNext<cr>", desc = "Move buffer next" },
opts = {
options = {
-- stylua: ignore
close_command = function(n) Snacks.bufdelete(n) end,
-- stylua: ignore
right_mouse_command = function(n) Snacks.bufdelete(n) end,
diagnostics = "nvim_lsp",
always_show_bufferline = false,
diagnostics_indicator = function(_, _, diag)
local icons = LazyVim.config.icons.diagnostics
local ret = (diag.error and icons.Error .. diag.error .. " " or "")
.. (diag.warning and icons.Warn .. diag.warning or "")
return vim.trim(ret)
offsets = {
filetype = "neo-tree",
text = "Neo-tree",
highlight = "Directory",
text_align = "left",
filetype = "snacks_layout_box",
---@param opts bufferline.IconFetcherOpts
get_element_icon = function(opts)
return LazyVim.config.icons.ft[opts.filetype]
config = function(_, opts)
-- Fix bufferline when restoring a session
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "BufAdd", "BufDelete" }, {
callback = function()
- Options
- Full Spec
opts = function()
-- PERF: we don't need this lualine require madness đ€·
local lualine_require = require("lualine_require")
lualine_require.require = require
local icons = LazyVim.config.icons
vim.o.laststatus = vim.g.lualine_laststatus
local opts = {
options = {
theme = "auto",
globalstatus = vim.o.laststatus == 3,
disabled_filetypes = { statusline = { "dashboard", "alpha", "ministarter", "snacks_dashboard" } },
sections = {
lualine_a = { "mode" },
lualine_b = { "branch" },
lualine_c = {
symbols = {
error = icons.diagnostics.Error,
warn = icons.diagnostics.Warn,
info = icons.diagnostics.Info,
hint = icons.diagnostics.Hint,
{ "filetype", icon_only = true, separator = "", padding = { left = 1, right = 0 } },
{ LazyVim.lualine.pretty_path() },
lualine_x = {
-- stylua: ignore
function() return require("noice").api.status.command.get() end,
cond = function() return package.loaded["noice"] and require("noice").api.status.command.has() end,
color = function() return { fg = Snacks.util.color("Statement") } end,
-- stylua: ignore
function() return require("noice").api.status.mode.get() end,
cond = function() return package.loaded["noice"] and require("noice").api.status.mode.has() end,
color = function() return { fg = Snacks.util.color("Constant") } end,
-- stylua: ignore
function() return "ïŻ " .. require("dap").status() end,
cond = function() return package.loaded["dap"] and require("dap").status() ~= "" end,
color = function() return { fg = Snacks.util.color("Debug") } end,
-- stylua: ignore
cond = require("lazy.status").has_updates,
color = function() return { fg = Snacks.util.color("Special") } end,
symbols = {
added = icons.git.added,
modified = icons.git.modified,
removed = icons.git.removed,
source = function()
local gitsigns = vim.b.gitsigns_status_dict
if gitsigns then
return {
added = gitsigns.added,
modified = gitsigns.changed,
removed = gitsigns.removed,
lualine_y = {
{ "progress", separator = " ", padding = { left = 1, right = 0 } },
{ "location", padding = { left = 0, right = 1 } },
lualine_z = {
return "ïș " .. os.date("%R")
extensions = { "neo-tree", "lazy", "fzf" },
-- do not add trouble symbols if aerial is enabled
-- And allow it to be overriden for some buffer types (see autocmds)
if vim.g.trouble_lualine and LazyVim.has("trouble.nvim") then
local trouble = require("trouble")
local symbols = trouble.statusline({
mode = "symbols",
groups = {},
title = false,
filter = { range = true },
format = "{kind_icon}{symbol.name:Normal}",
hl_group = "lualine_c_normal",
table.insert(opts.sections.lualine_c, {
symbols and symbols.get,
cond = function()
return vim.b.trouble_lualine ~= false and symbols.has()
return opts
event = "VeryLazy",
init = function()
vim.g.lualine_laststatus = vim.o.laststatus
if vim.fn.argc(-1) > 0 then
-- set an empty statusline till lualine loads
vim.o.statusline = " "
-- hide the statusline on the starter page
vim.o.laststatus = 0
opts = function()
-- PERF: we don't need this lualine require madness đ€·
local lualine_require = require("lualine_require")
lualine_require.require = require
local icons = LazyVim.config.icons
vim.o.laststatus = vim.g.lualine_laststatus
local opts = {
options = {
theme = "auto",
globalstatus = vim.o.laststatus == 3,
disabled_filetypes = { statusline = { "dashboard", "alpha", "ministarter", "snacks_dashboard" } },
sections = {
lualine_a = { "mode" },
lualine_b = { "branch" },
lualine_c = {
symbols = {
error = icons.diagnostics.Error,
warn = icons.diagnostics.Warn,
info = icons.diagnostics.Info,
hint = icons.diagnostics.Hint,
{ "filetype", icon_only = true, separator = "", padding = { left = 1, right = 0 } },
{ LazyVim.lualine.pretty_path() },
lualine_x = {
-- stylua: ignore
function() return require("noice").api.status.command.get() end,
cond = function() return package.loaded["noice"] and require("noice").api.status.command.has() end,
color = function() return { fg = Snacks.util.color("Statement") } end,
-- stylua: ignore
function() return require("noice").api.status.mode.get() end,
cond = function() return package.loaded["noice"] and require("noice").api.status.mode.has() end,
color = function() return { fg = Snacks.util.color("Constant") } end,
-- stylua: ignore
function() return "ïŻ " .. require("dap").status() end,
cond = function() return package.loaded["dap"] and require("dap").status() ~= "" end,
color = function() return { fg = Snacks.util.color("Debug") } end,
-- stylua: ignore
cond = require("lazy.status").has_updates,
color = function() return { fg = Snacks.util.color("Special") } end,
symbols = {
added = icons.git.added,
modified = icons.git.modified,
removed = icons.git.removed,
source = function()
local gitsigns = vim.b.gitsigns_status_dict
if gitsigns then
return {
added = gitsigns.added,
modified = gitsigns.changed,
removed = gitsigns.removed,
lualine_y = {
{ "progress", separator = " ", padding = { left = 1, right = 0 } },
{ "location", padding = { left = 0, right = 1 } },
lualine_z = {
return "ïș " .. os.date("%R")
extensions = { "neo-tree", "lazy", "fzf" },
-- do not add trouble symbols if aerial is enabled
-- And allow it to be overriden for some buffer types (see autocmds)
if vim.g.trouble_lualine and LazyVim.has("trouble.nvim") then
local trouble = require("trouble")
local symbols = trouble.statusline({
mode = "symbols",
groups = {},
title = false,
filter = { range = true },
format = "{kind_icon}{symbol.name:Normal}",
hl_group = "lualine_c_normal",
table.insert(opts.sections.lualine_c, {
symbols and symbols.get,
cond = function()
return vim.b.trouble_lualine ~= false and symbols.has()
return opts
Highly experimental plugin that completely replaces the UI for messages, cmdline and the popupmenu.
- Options
- Full Spec
opts = {
lsp = {
override = {
["vim.lsp.util.convert_input_to_markdown_lines"] = true,
["vim.lsp.util.stylize_markdown"] = true,
["cmp.entry.get_documentation"] = true,
routes = {
filter = {
event = "msg_show",
any = {
{ find = "%d+L, %d+B" },
{ find = "; after #%d+" },
{ find = "; before #%d+" },
view = "mini",
presets = {
bottom_search = true,
command_palette = true,
long_message_to_split = true,
event = "VeryLazy",
opts = {
lsp = {
override = {
["vim.lsp.util.convert_input_to_markdown_lines"] = true,
["vim.lsp.util.stylize_markdown"] = true,
["cmp.entry.get_documentation"] = true,
routes = {
filter = {
event = "msg_show",
any = {
{ find = "%d+L, %d+B" },
{ find = "; after #%d+" },
{ find = "; before #%d+" },
view = "mini",
presets = {
bottom_search = true,
command_palette = true,
long_message_to_split = true,
-- stylua: ignore
keys = {
{ "<leader>sn", "", desc = "+noice"},
{ "<S-Enter>", function() require("noice").redirect(vim.fn.getcmdline()) end, mode = "c", desc = "Redirect Cmdline" },
{ "<leader>snl", function() require("noice").cmd("last") end, desc = "Noice Last Message" },
{ "<leader>snh", function() require("noice").cmd("history") end, desc = "Noice History" },
{ "<leader>sna", function() require("noice").cmd("all") end, desc = "Noice All" },
{ "<leader>snd", function() require("noice").cmd("dismiss") end, desc = "Dismiss All" },
{ "<leader>snt", function() require("noice").cmd("pick") end, desc = "Noice Picker (Telescope/FzfLua)" },
{ "<c-f>", function() if not require("noice.lsp").scroll(4) then return "<c-f>" end end, silent = true, expr = true, desc = "Scroll Forward", mode = {"i", "n", "s"} },
{ "<c-b>", function() if not require("noice.lsp").scroll(-4) then return "<c-b>" end end, silent = true, expr = true, desc = "Scroll Backward", mode = {"i", "n", "s"}},
config = function(_, opts)
-- HACK: noice shows messages from before it was enabled,
-- but this is not ideal when Lazy is installing plugins,
-- so clear the messages in this case.
if vim.o.filetype == "lazy" then
vim.cmd([[messages clear]])
- Options
- Full Spec
opts = {
file = {
[".keep"] = { glyph = "ó°ą", hl = "MiniIconsGrey" },
["devcontainer.json"] = { glyph = "ï·", hl = "MiniIconsAzure" },
filetype = {
dotenv = { glyph = "î", hl = "MiniIconsYellow" },
lazy = true,
opts = {
file = {
[".keep"] = { glyph = "ó°ą", hl = "MiniIconsGrey" },
["devcontainer.json"] = { glyph = "ï·", hl = "MiniIconsAzure" },
filetype = {
dotenv = { glyph = "î", hl = "MiniIconsYellow" },
init = function()
package.preload["nvim-web-devicons"] = function()
return package.loaded["nvim-web-devicons"]
ui components
- Options
- Full Spec
opts = nil
{ "MunifTanjim/nui.nvim", lazy = true }
- Options
- Full Spec
opts = {
indent = { enabled = true },
input = { enabled = true },
notifier = { enabled = true },
scope = { enabled = true },
scroll = { enabled = true },
statuscolumn = { enabled = false }, -- we set this in options.lua
toggle = { map = LazyVim.safe_keymap_set },
words = { enabled = true },
opts = {
indent = { enabled = true },
input = { enabled = true },
notifier = { enabled = true },
scope = { enabled = true },
scroll = { enabled = true },
statuscolumn = { enabled = false }, -- we set this in options.lua
toggle = { map = LazyVim.safe_keymap_set },
words = { enabled = true },
-- stylua: ignore
keys = {
{ "<leader>n", function()
if Snacks.config.picker and Snacks.config.picker.enabled then
end, desc = "Notification History" },
{ "<leader>un", function() Snacks.notifier.hide() end, desc = "Dismiss All Notifications" },
- Options
- Full Spec
opts = {
dashboard = {
preset = {
pick = function(cmd, opts)
return LazyVim.pick(cmd, opts)()
header = [[
âââ ââââââ âââââââââââ ââââââ ââââââââââ ââââ Z
âââ ââââââââââââââââââââ âââââââ âââââââââââ âââââ Z
âââ ââââââââ âââââ âââââââ âââ âââââââââââââââââ z
âââ ââââââââ âââââ âââââ ââââ ââââââââââââââââââ z
âââââââââââ âââââââââââ âââ âââââââ ââââââ âââ âââ
âââââââââââ âââââââââââ âââ âââââ ââââââ âââ
-- stylua: ignore
---@type snacks.dashboard.Item[]
keys = {
{ icon = "ï ", key = "f", desc = "Find File", action = ":lua Snacks.dashboard.pick('files')" },
{ icon = "ï
", key = "n", desc = "New File", action = ":ene | startinsert" },
{ icon = "ïą ", key = "g", desc = "Find Text", action = ":lua Snacks.dashboard.pick('live_grep')" },
{ icon = "ï
", key = "r", desc = "Recent Files", action = ":lua Snacks.dashboard.pick('oldfiles')" },
{ icon = "ïŁ ", key = "c", desc = "Config", action = ":lua Snacks.dashboard.pick('files', {cwd = vim.fn.stdpath('config')})" },
{ icon = "î ", key = "s", desc = "Restore Session", section = "session" },
{ icon = "îȘ ", key = "x", desc = "Lazy Extras", action = ":LazyExtras" },
{ icon = "ó°Č ", key = "l", desc = "Lazy", action = ":Lazy" },
{ icon = "ïŠ ", key = "q", desc = "Quit", action = ":qa" },
opts = {
dashboard = {
preset = {
pick = function(cmd, opts)
return LazyVim.pick(cmd, opts)()
header = [[
âââ ââââââ âââââââââââ ââââââ ââââââââââ ââââ Z
âââ ââââââââââââââââââââ âââââââ âââââââââââ âââââ Z
âââ ââââââââ âââââ âââââââ âââ âââââââââââââââââ z
âââ ââââââââ âââââ âââââ ââââ ââââââââââââââââââ z
âââââââââââ âââââââââââ âââ âââââââ ââââââ âââ âââ
âââââââââââ âââââââââââ âââ âââââ ââââââ âââ
-- stylua: ignore
---@type snacks.dashboard.Item[]
keys = {
{ icon = "ï ", key = "f", desc = "Find File", action = ":lua Snacks.dashboard.pick('files')" },
{ icon = "ï
", key = "n", desc = "New File", action = ":ene | startinsert" },
{ icon = "ïą ", key = "g", desc = "Find Text", action = ":lua Snacks.dashboard.pick('live_grep')" },
{ icon = "ï
", key = "r", desc = "Recent Files", action = ":lua Snacks.dashboard.pick('oldfiles')" },
{ icon = "ïŁ ", key = "c", desc = "Config", action = ":lua Snacks.dashboard.pick('files', {cwd = vim.fn.stdpath('config')})" },
{ icon = "î ", key = "s", desc = "Restore Session", section = "session" },
{ icon = "îȘ ", key = "x", desc = "Lazy Extras", action = ":LazyExtras" },
{ icon = "ó°Č ", key = "l", desc = "Lazy", action = ":Lazy" },
{ icon = "ïŠ ", key = "q", desc = "Quit", action = ":qa" },