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LazyVim uses conform.nvim for formatting.

Configuring conform.nvim:

  • opts.format: extra options passed to require("conform").format(options)
  • opts.formatters: options will be merged with builtin formatters, or you can specify a new formatter.
  • opts.formatters[NAME].prepend_args: extra arguments passed to the formatter command. If you want to fully override the args, just use args instead of prepend_args.
  • opts.formatters_by_ft: specify which formatters to use for each filetype.

Don't override plugin.config directly, since this will break LazyVim formatting.


opts = function()
local plugin = require("lazy.core.config").plugins["conform.nvim"]
if plugin.config ~= M.setup then
"Don't set `plugin.config` for `conform.nvim`.\n",
"This will break **LazyVim** formatting.\n",
"Please refer to the docs at",
}, { title = "LazyVim" })
---@type conform.setupOpts
local opts = {
default_format_opts = {
timeout_ms = 3000,
async = false, -- not recommended to change
quiet = false, -- not recommended to change
lsp_format = "fallback", -- not recommended to change
formatters_by_ft = {
lua = { "stylua" },
fish = { "fish_indent" },
sh = { "shfmt" },
-- The options you set here will be merged with the builtin formatters.
-- You can also define any custom formatters here.
---@type table<string, conform.FormatterConfigOverride|fun(bufnr: integer): nil|conform.FormatterConfigOverride>
formatters = {
injected = { options = { ignore_errors = true } },
-- # Example of using dprint only when a dprint.json file is present
-- dprint = {
-- condition = function(ctx)
-- return vim.fs.find({ "dprint.json" }, { path = ctx.filename, upward = true })[1]
-- end,
-- },
-- # Example of using shfmt with extra args
-- shfmt = {
-- prepend_args = { "-i", "2", "-ci" },
-- },
return opts


opts = nil