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Tailwind CSS


You can enable the extra with the :LazyExtras command. Plugins marked as optional will only be configured if they are installed.

Below you can find a list of included plugins and their default settings.


You don't need to copy the default settings to your config. They are only shown here for reference.


opts = {
servers = {
tailwindcss = {
-- exclude a filetype from the default_config
filetypes_exclude = { "markdown" },
-- add additional filetypes to the default_config
filetypes_include = {},
-- to fully override the default_config, change the below
-- filetypes = {}
setup = {
tailwindcss = function(_, opts)
local tw = LazyVim.lsp.get_raw_config("tailwindcss")
opts.filetypes = opts.filetypes or {}

-- Add default filetypes
vim.list_extend(opts.filetypes, tw.default_config.filetypes)

-- Remove excluded filetypes
--- @param ft string
opts.filetypes = vim.tbl_filter(function(ft)
return not vim.tbl_contains(opts.filetypes_exclude or {}, ft)
end, opts.filetypes)

-- Additional settings for Phoenix projects
opts.settings = {
tailwindCSS = {
includeLanguages = {
elixir = "html-eex",
eelixir = "html-eex",
heex = "html-eex",

-- Add additional filetypes
vim.list_extend(opts.filetypes, opts.filetypes_include or {})


opts = {}

nvim-cmp (optional)

opts = function(_, opts)
-- original LazyVim kind icon formatter
local format_kinds = opts.formatting.format
opts.formatting.format = function(entry, item)
format_kinds(entry, item) -- add icons
return require("tailwindcss-colorizer-cmp").formatter(entry, item)