LazyVim provides multiple ways to configure keymaps. If you want to override an existing mapping, make sure to disable it first in the correct place.
Global keymaps
Global keymaps are keymaps that are always active.
You can configure them in your lua/config/keymaps.lua file.
Default LazyVim keymaps can be deleted with vim.keymap.del
Plugin keymaps
For more info on configuring plugin keymaps, see Adding & Disabling Plugin Keymaps
LSP keymaps
These are the default keymaps that will be added when an LSP server is attached to the current buffer. For more info see Customizing LSP Keymaps
LSP Server keymaps
Sometimes it may be necessary to add keymaps for a specific LSP server.
Lazyutils provides a keys
LSP option for this purpose.
opts = {
servers = {
tsserver = {
keys = {
{ "<leader>co", "<cmd>TypescriptOrganizeImports<CR>", desc = "Organize Imports" },
{ "<leader>cR", "<cmd>TypescriptRenameFile<CR>", desc = "Rename File" },